Who’s Who at Continuum

Alison Rider-Hill

Committee: Chair and University Liaison

Alison’s gaming is primarily freeforming, both playing, and writing and running games but she has also been known to roll dice and fail rolls and die spectacularly!

As part of the Continuum Committee, she is both incoming Chair and the primary point of contact with the University so please speak to her about anything to do with the University and its facilities.

To contact Alison click here

Colin Driver

Committee: Timetable, Seminars, and Events

Colin has been on the Continuum committee since 2004 but his passion for fantasy fiction goes back to his first reading of the Narnia series in the mid-60s. He’s also always been interested in painting and cartography, the latter of which he regularly provides seminars on at the convention. Recent works include “Mythic Britain” (The Design Mechanism), “King of Sartar” (Moon Design) and “The Coming Storm” (Chaosium). Other highlights include maps for Pete Nash’s Silver Ennie award-winning “Rome” and being part of the Moon Design team on “The Guide to Glorantha”, winner of the 2015 “Diana Jones Award” and a silver Ennie in cartography. Colin’s contribution amounted to mapping all of Glorantha, which made the bulk of the “Argan Argar Atlas” and over 180 pages of maps and illustrations in the Guide itself.

He’s now retiring to pursue these interests full-time. Often jokingly discussing an old people’s home for RPG players, he’s now taking it into serious consideration…

Colin is responsible for: Events and Seminars

To contact Colin click here

Chris “Wolfe” Jones

Committee: Finance Officer

Chris tried doing this biog in Traveller, but he died in character creation. He then tried Cthulhu, but he went mad and died. Then came Aftermath, but he ended up eating himself a bit at a time to stay alive … and died. Next came RQ II but he got lost in the third verse of the Stormbull chant and hasn’t been seen since.

So, finally, we present Sir Ulfric, valiant knight of the shining dome.

Sir Ulfric (Old Knight)

  • SIZ 16, DEX 8, STR 12, CON 11, APP 12 Glory 2,533 (Identify Bonus: +2 ) Move 3 (Actually he’s quite fast for a fat guy) Unconscious 6 (or after several pints)
  • Combat Skills: Lance 5, Sword 16, Dagger 9, Spear 9, Battle 18, Horsemanship 16
  • Skills: Awareness 16, Courtesy 16, Flirting 20, Hunting 17, Arm-wrestle 15
  • Traits: Valorous 17
  • Passions: Loyalty(Con.) 16
  • Armour: Norman Chainmail + Shield
  • Family Characteristic: Born to bull sh*t

Chris is responsible for: Finance

To contact Chris click here

Julia Rawcliffe

Committee: Communications Officer, Nerd Herder

Julia is, in fact, German, but has attended every Convulsions/Continuum convention since 1992 (when she was 3). This is now her fifth term on the Committee as Continuum’s “people person”. When she isn’t doing this, Julia is a freelance German to/from English translator for RPGs and other games and works as Chaosium’s “Merc of Merch” or behind their booth at various European Conventions. When she isn’t doing that, she is probably creating/crafting/making something weird.

Julia is responsible for: Registrations, Queries, Outreach and the Bring and Buy.

To contact Julia click here

Kevin Jacklin

Committee: Freeform Tsar

Kevin Jacklin can be contacted here.

Andrew Richardson

Committee: Tabletop Coordinator

Andrew’s gaming hobby began with the Basic DnD set which he received as a Christmas present in 1983. By the following year he had discovered that there were many other TTRPGs, including Traveller and Runequest II. Runequest remains his favourite game, and Glorantha his favourite setting, but in the years since he has played a wide range of tabletop games and wishes he could play more. It was a Call of Cthulhu character in an adventure featured in a 1980s edition of White Dwarf that inspired him to first try his hand at archaeology. Eventually this led to a PhD on the Anglo-Saxon cemeteries of Kent, and for the last two decades a full-time career as an archaeologist. It’s a very interesting job, and he realises that he is very lucky to have it, but it does get in the way of gaming!

Andrew first attended Convulsion in 1994; if you were there way back then and don’t remember him, that’s because he was very quiet! Since then he has attended most Convulsions and Continuums, and for the last two has acted as one of the convention gophers, and thus could often be seen lugging boxes from A to B, or manning the Bring and Buy Stall.

Over the years Andrew has enjoyed a full range of games, from wargames and boardgames, collectible card games, freeforming and LARP, but his first love remains tabletop, ideally round a table, in-person, with friends and lots of snacks. Lately of course he has played, and GMd, a lot of games online. It works, and is better than no game at all, but it’s just not the same.

To contact Andrew click here