Tabletop RPGs List

Here you will find the list of Tabletop RPGs that have been submitted for Continuum 2024.

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[RuneMasters] The Hunt for the Cloud Calf

System: HeroQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (Tabletop RPG)
GM: Dr Moose
Where & When: Room: Pavis, Slot: 3. Saturday morning
Players: 4–6

Description: Long ago, when gods & Chaos fought, and Time wasn’t even invented, the sons & … Read more

[RuneMasters] Dancing with the Blue Dog Eaters.

System: (Rules Lite) RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (Tabletop RPG)
GM: Jon Hunter
Where & When: Room: Boldhome, Slot: 4. Saturday afternoon
Players: 4–6

Description: On the edge of the dangergound, three times in the last season have troll wars p… Read more

[RuneMasters] Lair of Kassacta

System: Glorantha Storyteller System (Tabletop RPG)
GM: Jon Hunter
Where & When: Room: Boldhome, Slot: 5. Saturday evening
Players: 4–6

Description: In the land of Balazar, in the tribe of Trilus, King Yalarings sends a group of … Read more

[RuneMasters] White Monkey Island

System: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (Tabletop RPG)
GM: peter_m_hart
Where & When: Room: Boldhome, Slot: 7. Sunday afternoon
Players: 4–6

Description: Drinking the blood of the legendary Hinotori (Phoenix) is rumoured to grant immo… Read more

[RuneMasters] The Gods War

System: A Boardgame by Sandy Petersen (Tabletop RPG)
GM: Tim_Ellis
Where & When: Room: Pavis, Slot: 8. Sunday evening
Players: 4–8
Tagged as: PVP

Description: Designed by Sandy Petersen and set in the mythic world of Glorantha, The Gods Wa… Read more

The Pheros Mines; The Missing Miners

System: Untold Destiny (Tabletop RPG)
GM: vhj5
Where & When: Room: Glamour, Slot: 4. Saturday afternoon
Players: 3–5

Description: Port Orion has quietened down following a recent Wyvern attack, the populace rec… Read more

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