List of Freeforms for 2025 – old




How do I play in one of these excellent games?

Some games are now full, with names also on a reserve list in case of drop-outs, others still have available spaces.

We’re now in the open sign-up phase, so whether you’re already signed up for any other games, you can sign up for as many games still with places as you want. Send an email to our FreeformsTsar with the Subject FREEFORM ROUND 3, giving your name and email address (and also the name/handle you registered under, if that’s different, so we can confirm you have registered and paid), the gender you play, and your choices.

Be aware that by submitting a sign-up request, you are agreeing to my passing your name and the rest to the GMs. I will delete all my records of this after the con.



MorningDelta One
AfternoonHome of the BoldBrest or Bust
EveningBackstage BusinessBurning Orchid


Friday Evening


Backstage Business (FULL)

Welcome to 1986. Eruption is a young band with loud guitars, big hair, spandex, and a lot of make-up. Recently, Eruption had a runaway hit with a sweet love song called ‘You’re the One for Me’. Tonight, at the end of their first, five-month tour, Eruption is back in their home city and has just finished the second of two shows at the Roxy A Go Go. It’s now time for the backstage end-of-tour party!

As with any successful band, backstage is not only filled with the band and their fans but also with managers, roadies, groupies, and charity organizations all looking to make a profit from the band.

However, things may not be going well for Eruption. Tonight, after obvious tension on stage, they played their encore without their lead singer, Slick Scott. Is everything okay?

Lead GM: Steve Hatherley

17-22 players: 5 female, 3 male, 14 either


Saturday Afternoon/Evening


Home of the Bold (FULL)

Reaching Moon Megacorp is directing a second run of the new cut of the classic Gloranthan Home of the Bold freeform

Set in Lunar-occupied Boldhome in 1625, gathered in the city over a week of game time are Lunar bureaucrats and soldiers, Sartarite client kings and queens and various residents of the city, both reputable and disreputable.

Outside the city great events are unfolding, with Boldhome key to their resolution. However, in the city there’s more excitement at the upcoming chariot race, the city mayor elections and the surprise return of Prince Temertain (from the dead!). There’s also fear and trepidation at a series of brutal murders and disappearances that have taken place over the last few weeks.

All in all, the coming week should prove to be rather eventful…

Lead GMs: David Hall & Kevin Jacklin

50 players; this game run over eight hours on the Saturday afternoon/evening, including a break for dinner.


Sunday Morning


Space Station Hestia Delta One (FULL)

Welcome aboard the Space Station Hestia Delta One. You will all be playing roles on board the space station. Are you a grizzled veteran engineer, training up their replacement? Are you the successful Captain, the only one the aliens would allow? Are you the long suffering First Officer, who puts up with far too much from the demanding Ambassador?

You will decide!

The first 45 minutes of the game will be a short workshop, building your characters and working out some starting relationships. After that, what happens on board the Space station is up to you. Will Diplomacy or military might win the day? Is the Bartender a thief or something else? Will the ensign get their promotion, or will the issues with the Bounty Hunter scupper their chances?

Let’s find out together!

A game for fans of sci fi tropes.

Lead GM: Ray Hodson

6-12 Players (happy to take players on the day as well)


Sunday afternoon


Brest or Bust (FULL)

Recently the public’s imagination has been captured by the fearless aces who reach for the stars. Lord Southcliffe, Alfred Delicious, decided that his newspaper The Daily Mail should sponsor an air race. Preparations were well under way with a £10,000 prize fund and a date in the calendar for the race when disaster struck.

During the Bournemouth air exhibition a few months ago there was a terrible crash and Charles Rolls, pioneer of engine development, daring pilot and co-founder of the Roll Royce company became the first British man to die in an aeroplane crash. The tail of his aeroplane detached whilst he was doing aerobatics. The race was postponed and by popular demand has been renamed the Charles Rolls Memorial Cup. The cup uses components from his downed flyer arranged tastefully on a wooden plinth. The rescheduled race has attracted flyers from around the globe, and the destination is Brest in Brittany.

Characters will be pilots/co-pilots/would be pilots/and various other attendees. We anticipate many shenanigans and much hilarity, together with drama and skullduggery. There will be some mechanics but they will be mercifully short.

This is Wacky Races meets Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines with added women…

Lead GM: Sue Lee

21 players


Sunday Evening


Burning Orchid

Set in 1932 at the party celebrating the wrap of location filming for a Hollywood movie. Burning Orchid is an immense blockbuster, detailing the passionate heart of a claustrophobic forbidden love story set in the jungle villages of Guatemala against a background of a country riven by political turmoil. And that’s not just the movie! Glamorous cast, intense emotions, a steamy situation, secrets past and present – who knows what might happen, but fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.

Character sheets and background will be about 6 pages long. 1930s costuming suitable for an evening event is encouraged for atmosphere.

The theme is intensely emotional, centring on romance. It is not suitable for under-18s. Players need to be willing to play characters in romantic situations and with various sexualities, as all characters have romance.

The game deals with adult themes like illegitimacy, and sexual orientation. Character backgrounds may include references to murder, war trauma, romantic liaisons with disastrous consequences (e.g unwanted children or miscarriage) and prostitution. One of the characters is a Catholic priest.

A character-focussed, traditional 3-hour freeform for 10 players, written by Ben Allen, Nickey Barnard, Martin Jones, Heidi Kaye and Alison Rider Hill.

Lead GM: Martin Jones

10 players