Truth to tell, real intelligence work has depressingly little to do with tuxedos, martinis and Aston Martins. Mark Galeotti, who *thinks* he’s the only Western academic to have set foot in the HQs of MI6, the CIA and, back in the day, the KGB, will discuss how to get past Bond and Bourne and bring in a little realism into your games – without boring your players to tears.
Dr. Moose: 10:00 Sunday
Role Playing and Spirituality. 8th Edition
Normal Sunday morning service resumes with the good doctor discussing all things faith and Role Playing.
Jason Durall: 11:00 Sunday
“Dispatches from Glorantha“
Connectivity willing, Jason joins us from Berlin to get the lowdown on the state of the line, and projects in development for Rune Quest Glorantha. Please note, that this is not a discussion on Gloranthan lore. We may be able to get Jeff to discuss these matters separately (GenCon and time permitting).
Colin Driver: 12:00 Sunday
If anyone’s interested, I should be able to knock a map seminar together.
Watch this space for more seminars, which will be announced very soon. Probably Monday 1st August!